A new Elden Ring boss may have just dropped in the real world, after people much smarter than me have discovered that Komodo dragons — the largest (living) lizard out there, that we know of — have iron-coated teeth. This is metal as f**k, if you ask me.

Komodo dragons are renowned Apex predators, and often sit high at the top of the food chain wherever you find them. It’s easy enough to believe given that these hostile albeit beautiful creatures can weigh over 300 pounds, have been known to attack humans (rarely), and will sometimes even eat each other.

The discovery that these fellas have iron-coated teeth is the cherry on top for why Komodo dragons can be so formidable, with the orange iron that covers the serrated edges and tips of their teeth making them exceptionally sharp. We know that these beasts will tear flesh from their prey, and their newly-discovered iron coatings go a long way in explaining how the creature is able to maintain its pearly whites throughout its lifespan.

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